How To Be Successful in Gift Home Business

In previous post, I wrote about how to start a gift home business idea which is simple, almost anyone can do it. You will not special skill set or special degree to start up such a business. What I like is that you do not need to invest lot of money upfront, so you can get started right away. Here we will take it further and see how to make it successful.

How To Be Successful With Your Gift Basket Business;

Creating a unique business always gives you the upper hand because it gives you the opportunity to stand out from the crowd. If you live in a relatively small town and would like to start a gift basket business then chances are that you are pretty much the only one in town who is going to do such a thing. As a side note, one of the great things about living in small towns is that you can develop creative businesses without fear of it being replicated too much, but on the other hand big cities usually always have duplicates of small businesses. Nevertheless, though, a gift basket business is not only a lucrative opportunity for you to profit in your market you’re about to advertise to, but it also gives you the chance to hone your creative thinking skills and personality!

If you have already somewhat gotten started making gift baskets and advertising your service to family and friends then you probably already have a lot of orders coming in. This can be a good thing because it allows you to get your feet wet without having a full-fledged brick-and-mortar gift basket store, but once you can keep up with the orders then it may be time to take your gift basket biz to the next level.

What’s the next level, though?  In many businesses people see the “next level” as something that they will eventually reach, but the next level for a small gift basket business often involves making professional ways to advertise your services at the very least. For example, creating a website is just one of the ways you can successfully advertise your services. Another way, though, is through the development of business cards that you can pass around your city or town. The point is, though, to spread the word about your profession so that you will be able to have orders for gift baskets coming in daily. Let’s face it: there are plenty of occasions going on daily that people need gift baskets for and tapping into the market is one good thing about your business.

Another thing that one should definitely do with his or her gift basket business is to keep him or her self as organized as possible. Even though you may have previously just gone out to stores to create gift baskets on a per-order basis, one idea to try would be to keep everything at your house or another storage facility so that you can simply use the resources and materials that you have as you need them. This will not only save a whole lot of money, but you’ll also be saving valuable time as well just in case a whole bunch of gift basket orders come in all at once!

There are plenty of other ways to be successful with your gift basket biz. If you’re just starting out in the business then you may want to experience making many different types of the gift baskets themselves, changing the actual gift baskets that you use, or just mixing things up a bit so that your business will stay as creative as possible!

Also look at How to set up a Gift basket business website

Make Money With Email List: How to Use Words Properly

As a website owner or blogger, you may decide one that having a email list is best way to generate an income. Perhaps, you have decided to give away free ebooks or create a landing page for your product and wondering why sales are not impressive or no one is signing up for you newsletter. It could be your words. below are some tips if you are using aweber email list.

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How To Use Words Properly in email List:

You write words in your marketing emails. Many or few, you use them to communicate your ideas.

But you don’t write words to communicate alone. You write them to request an action. Sometimes it’s subscribing, responding, purchasing – whatever you want readers to do.

The words that carry most of the weight of the request are the few at the end, where you normally provide a link to proceed: your call to action. This is the decision point. The words you use here could sway readers either way.

So how can you know which ones to use? You can guess, based on your own preferences. Or you can know for sure by running a split test.

A Case of Textual Turn-Off

The Cabot Heritage Corporation, a stock advisory, ran a split test on two opt-in buttons. The buttons were identical in design and location. The difference was in the wording: one read “Send My Free Report”; the other, “Start My Free Subscription.”

Just two words changed, but that change had a powerful effect. The “subscription” button decreased conversions by 22.9% in the span of just two days.

What Happened Here?

Different words trigger different associations, and those can make or break the response.

In the above case, it looks like readers associated “send my report” with a single contact and “subscription” with regular communication, requiring more commitment.

But your readers’ responses will partly depend on your subject and the relationship you already have. The phrase that crashed and burned for Cabot Heritage might take your opt-in rate soaring.

That’s why you need to test for yourself. But when you do, don’t forget to…

Think About the Long Run

In Cabot Heritage’s test, it looks like people preferred the idea of one mailing to regular updates. But whichever button they pushed, they were added to the same mailing list.

It would be interesting to see how people who didn’t expect regular mailings reacted when they started getting them. Did the unsubscribe and spam report rates go up with the opt-in rate?

When choosing the words you want to test, keep in mind that you need to set correct expectations. A well-informed subscriber is a happy subscriber.

How To Test Your Call to Action

Your first step is to write several options that set those expectations and fit the usual “voice” of your brand – how you usually represent your brand in writing.

There are several approaches you could take:

You could go with a simple directive.
You could put words in the subscriber’s mouth.
You could restate the benefits that the subscriber will get.

Once you’ve designed a few options, split test them against each other. (If you use AWeber, here’s how to test your web forms and your broadcasts.) Soon you’ll know just what phrase calls your audience to action best.

Who Answers When You Call?

Are you getting the response you want from your calls to action? Are the subscribers you collect interested and engaged? Do they click and purchase?

Have you split test your call to action in the past? How could you test it now for an even better response?

Share your thoughts below!

By Amanda Gagnon Source:  Do your Words scare people?

How To Set Up Blog: Part 10- Build Relationship

In part 1 of the series,we learned how to set up a blog,in part 2 of the series,we looked at how to write to attract readers,in part 3 of the series,we looked at where and how to get ideas for what to write on your blog,part 4 of the series we looked at how to optimize on page SEO to attract traffic to your blog. In Part 5 of the series, we looked at how to optimized off page (outside your blog SEO for increasing traffic to your blog). In part 6 of the series, we looked at how to set up an off page SEO and Google Page rank. In part 7 of the series, we saw on how to get more traffic to your blog website. In part 8 of the series, we looked at two popular ways to monetize your blog. In part 9, we looked at more ways to monetize your website, blog and make money from it. In last part of the how to set up blog series, we will learn how to set up relationship with bloggers and readers for continuation of your blog success.

See previous post in how to set up blog series: How to Set Up Blog:Part 9:More monetizing Blog Ideas and Tips

Part 10 – Interactions Between Blogs

As your blog’s content increase, people in your niche will definitely mention you for intelligent or interesting discussions. This is, in a sense, an initiation of an interaction. When people speak of you, you should thank them for the mention and build up the interaction!

When you use a traffic tracking script such as the free, you can see where traffic comes from. If a large number of visitors come from a certain blog, you can be sure they have mentioned you in their latest post or linked to you from their sidebar or links page. What you should do is pay them a visit, leave constructive comments on their posts and build up a conversation!

Build Relationship:

As you continue doing this, you will start to gather a lot of friends in your niche. This is helpful later on when you decide to do collaborations such as interviews. In fact, when you’re out of ideas for writing on your blog, you can interview other blog owners in your niche! Human beings are curious creatures, so naturally they would like to know more about a person whose writings they read so often.

If you’re using WordPress, Textpattern, MovableType or any other advanced blog engines, you can also post trackback links on your posts. This means you can post an article about what other people have posted! Your particular post will then appear as a link on that post you have written about. This is definitely a great way to get traffic if you post brilliant insights about a post on a very famous blog. Since the famous blog already has a per-existing pool of readers, this is like a shortcut to hog their visitors! The only thing you would want to observe is to keep your posts sensible and insightful, or you’ll be viewed as a spammer.

On the other hand, if you’re using Blogger, you would not be able to use trackback links. However, you can post insightful comments on other people’s blogs and subtly include a link back to your blog. You can make it seem like you’re pointing to your blog as an extra reference to the subject of discussion. Of course, this technique is not only limited to Blogger users and users of other blog engines can employ this strategy as an additional traffic source.

Linking and Trackbacks:

Trackbacks and pingbacks help you gain backlinks and traffic to your blog from other sources. You should also link to good blog posts from your blog friend or other related niche sites as a professional blogger who wants to make sure that readers get the great information. Believe me, in my blogging experience, when I have stopped being selfish and wanted to genuinely help others, I had started to make money and you will too.

Get Started To Blog Right Way:

Now you have learned in this 10 part series of How to set up a blog properly, what to write, how to write, how to do on page and off page SEO (search engine optimization), how to monetize your blog and build a relationship to continue your success from working from home and making money with your blog. Good luck!

To See all How to Set up Blog Series Click here: How to Set up Blog articles

See Complete How to Set Up Blog Series and Step by step Guide to Start a Blog

You Might also be Interested in;

Also,You can learn more about favorite blogging resources and tools reviews for further details.

There are also reasonably priced web design,template and blog transfer services, if you are interested, you can use them as they have done great job with out web design.

See Complete How To Set Up Blog Series

Marketing To Moms: Multi Billion Dollar Market

Many Businesses Miss marketing to moms who are A Multi-Billion Dollar Market in themselves. The goal of any business is to make money. And, we’re not just talking about the short term but long term goals of increased revenue. To that end, many businesses are missing out on a multi-billion dollar market: moms. Marketing to moms is the wave of the now and the future.

Why are moms so important?

Moms are enterprising. According to BSM Media Inc., mom spending is already over the trillion dollar mark. That’s more than the budget of some third world countries.

Also according to BSM Media Inc., almost 90 percent of moms consider themselves the financial head of the home. Her husband may bring home most of the bacon but it is the moms who decide how to spend it. They shop for everything related to the household: kids clothing, appliances, electronics, outdoor furniture, accessories and home improvement items.

Any husband that shops for these things is going to consult their wives before buying them. Why? Wives do the research into these products to find the best on the market. Moms influence as much as 85 percent of the purchases for the home. That’s over 70 million women we are talking about here. It doesn’t get any bigger than that.

Think about all of the tasks that moms handle in a day. They take care of the housework, shuffle kids from school to sporting events to other activities, cook dinner and manage the finances. In order to keep everything straight, they employ a wide variety of technology. It’s not uncommon to see a mom sitting in the park watching her kids play while listening to an iPod or browsing the Internet on her iPhone.

Moms are also savvy on the Internet. The trend for many years has been moms coming out of the workplace and starting their own businesses at home to spend more time with their kids. To that end, moms have developed a network of blogs, websites and forums designed to teach moms everything from designing websites, starting Internet businesses, marketing to other moms and managing their homes all the while. Their buying power increased exponentially with their knowledge.

Manly mistake?

Traditionally the only products marketed towards women were household products and cooking items. This goes back to the archaic thought that a woman’s place was in the home. That has been a huge detriment to many companies as they are beginning to see.

Women and moms have made an imprint in the man’s world in many areas. Women are not limited to office jobs; they are CEOs and CFOs. They don’t just surf the Web, they are becoming entrepreneurs with widening influence over Internet marketing. Having moms shun your product because you are not marketing to them means they are also spreading the word to other moms across the world (via the Internet) and in their own communities.

The future

Moms are influenced by other moms. Several generations of moms are coming together to influence the spending habits of major corporations. In the future the trend will continue. As moms become more “connected” in the world, their spending will increase. No product is off limits to mom advertising.

Moms do rule the world. Gain the support of savvy moms with your products and your business will reap the benefits.

Creating Powerful Headlines That Sell: A Guide

You know why someone is more successful? They have an ability to grab our attention in quick seconds. You have mere seconds to capture a prospect’s attention.  One of the single most powerful tools you have to accomplish this task is your headline.  There are several keys to a compelling, and selling, headline and a few tips to help you get the job done.

#1  Tap into Your Prospects’ Emotions

According to psychologists our buying decisions are based first and foremost on our emotions.  Use headlines which offer your readers a strong emotional benefit or reaction.  Some possible emotions are:

For example, The 20-Minute Step that Will Make You a Business Genius taps into readers’ desires to feel smart and powerful.

Other emotions you can tap into are a desire to feel:

1. Attractive
2. Sexy
3. Assertive
4. Confident
5. Energetic
6. Pampered
7. A sense of belonging
8. In control of their own destiny
9. Wealthy
10. Proud
11. Respected
12. Safe

#2 Make it Active

To compel it’s important to use active language – language that shows movement and commands attention.

For example, “Stop Your Sugar Cravings Today With This Simple Step,” is a fine headline however it doesn’t command action nor does it really tap into any emotions.  However, “Conquer Your Sugar Cravings With This Simple Step.”  Conquer is an active and emotionally powerful word.  Readers receive the benefit of feeling powerful and in control and it commands action.

#3 Let Your Reader Know They’re Important

The word YOU is a very powerful word.  It let’s your reader’s feel as if you’re talking to them specifically and interested in solving their problems, issues and helping them achieve their desires.  Instead of using I, Me or We in your headlines, use You.  Using the headline example above compare the two options
“Conquer Your Sugar Cravings With This Simple Step.
“Conquer Sugar Cravings with Our System”

People want to know what’s in it for them and when they can assess that information in the headline, they’re going to be compelled to continue reading your copy and making a purchase.

Here are three more ideas for powerful headlines:

* Make a promise – Earn $1000 a day
* Make it newsworthy – New program guarantees you’ll earn $1000 a day.
* Ask a question – Do you want to ensure your financial future?

Three Simple Steps to Write Headlines That Sell

So now you have some ideas about what types of headlines sell, how do you begin to write those powerful headlines?

Step One – Get to know your audience intimately. What are their hopes, dreams, desires, and problems?  Understanding your audience will help you create an emotional and powerful headline directed specifically at your audience.

Step Two – Determine how your products or services are going to make your prospects’ lives better or solve their problems.  For example if you sell fitness equipment and your audience struggles with feeling attractive then you can create a headline that highlights a specific benefit your fitness equipment offers to solve that problem.

Step Three – Write ten to twenty, yes twenty, possible headlines.  Not only will this give you practice writing compelling headlines, it’ll help you hone in on that perfect headline.  And if you think you have a few winners you can always test them for conversion rates to find out which headline is more effective.

Marketing and copywriting experts consider your headline to be the most import element of any effective marketing piece.  Take the time to craft a compelling, and selling, headline and you’ll reap the benefits for years to come.

Reader’s Question: A Smart Way To Get Targeted Online Traffic

Question: What is the smart way to get Targeted online traffic to your blog or website?


If you are not able to bring the targeted online traffic to your website, there is no meaning in having a website at all.  Hence this should be your top priority.  You should view your website through the eyes of your potential customers and then only you can get an unbiased opinion about it.

In addition to improving the quality of your website, there are several techniques by adopting which you can achieve a good targeted traffic to your website.   Instead of getting a very high number of visitors to your site,  you should aim to get a good targeted traffic.  Then only you can convert the traffic into more sales.

Online blogging is one of the techniques that is adopted by many marketeers. This truly has a potential to get you traffic to your website.  When you write blogs, you should remember that they must be relevant to the niche of the product you handle.  You can post these blogs on your web page or on article directories or on social networking sites.  There are several free blogging sites available on which you can post your blogs also.

But you will be able to sustain the interest of the targeted traffic in your articles only if your contents are interesting as well as informative.  But if you beat around the bush or if your contents are dull, boring and without substance, gradually these fans will wither away.  You can also make your blogs dynamic and participative allowing the readers to share their ideas on your blogs so that you may benefit immensely when you contemplate improving your products or services. This may be a good feed-back for your business also.

The secret of writing informative blogs lies in updating your personal knowledge in the niche you are handling.  If you study deep into your niche, you may be surprised to gain knowledge of many unknown and fascinating things about the product you are handling.  Research is taking place throughout the world on a continuous basis and several innovations are being made.  By keeping abreast of all these things, you can make your blogs as interesting as possible.  Such blogs and articles that are posted on directories will definitely lift your place in the search engine rankings so that more and more targeted traffic will visit your website.

Apart from writing such blogs, you should ensure that your website also has content of superior quality.  You should keep on changing, modifying and improving the content periodically so that the visiting traffic will find it interesting and will be motivated to visit it repeatedly.  This will pave way for repeat-sales from  such targeted traffic.  Even the search engines weigh the quality of the website content to decide the ranking of your website.

If the contents of your blogs and website evoke such a good interest in your targeted online traffic, you can be sure of achieving phenomenal success in your business.


How to Find Out What Your Blog Reader Wants

One of the best way about blogging is to make money via membership site, such as Yaro has created for his members and readers. He knows what members wants as he has become an online mentor for many aspiring and new blogger. You can tell, I love Yaro Starak, he is my online blog mentor who has taught me a lot about blogging, success and making money while having fun.

If you have started a blog and want to take it next level by offering your own membership site, this video is must watch for you. This video shows how to find out what your readers and members want before you launch your membership site or any products, so that you do not waste time creating a product that no one wants or has interest in. This is great lesson for all of us blogger, who in rush and impulse created a product such as ebook or membership site, a lessons to be learned from failure. But, all of you can be super smart by watching this video so all you can face is a success!

Note: Some videos may or may not be available to view. As it is not on my site, I can not control it. However, there is a transcript of the video still available to read, so check it out.

Click here to view a video: How to find out what your members want before You Launch your Membership Site Video.

Hope you enjoyed this video presentation. Good luck!

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Click here to download the Membership Site Masterplan free report