Seven Best Decisions You Can Make About Blogging

There are seven best decisions anyone can make about blogging and being successful at blogging. Hope you enjoy it.

Blogging Tip 1

Do not spend more than you earn on blog tools, specially with money you do not have. It is tempting in blogging world with various software and tools to buy to make your blog life easier. There are always new ebooks and courses out there promising you riches if you buy them. We know as we have bought quite few in our early stage of blogging.

There are so great and not so great products out there to make you successful. Buy only what you can afford after making a little money. At most you need to spend money for domain and hosting, rest of the products can wait, if you do not have extra money.

Blogging Tip 2

Do no expect blogging or money help from anyone. There are plenty of bloggers and experts who are more than willing to share free tips and suggestions on how to make your blog grow. However, no one is going to hand you everything on platter or do work for you.

You must work hard for it, for example asking and preparing for a guest post or leaving thoughtful comments and linking to right posts on your blog. Do not feel bad if expert blogger does not return favor by commenting back on your blog. It is not personal, every relationship takes time to build.

Blogging Tip 3

It is okay not have niche but more planned you are about your blog, the better it will be for people who are searching for information to find you. It will also be beneficial to search engine to figure out what is your blog is about. Yes, there are many mega site and article directories have multiple subjects and niche, but they balance it will quantity. If you have large site, you can get away with many niche subject, when you are new try to stick to general niche or subject if possible.

We are not saying, multiple niche does not work, it might take little longer but it will work eventually.

 Blogging Tip 4

Be kind and helpful to other bloggers, big and small size. Many times we have seen blogger only writing about successful bloggers and commenting on only their sites. Now following successful blogger is good idea and we do that too. However, you want to also focus on same size or little blogs too. Sometimes it works out best when you are nice to medium to small size blogs.

It is just like real life, you do not want to be friend only with rich people, you want to be friends with people who have same amount money or even bit less than you. Diversity is key and being genuinely nice helps out in blogging world.

Blogging Tip 5

Plan for busy times, emergency situation such as blog crash, family and work issues; You can always predict what will happen but you can prepare extra post drafts when you have time so when you are busy, your blog still have content flowing. For other emergency situation, just take one step at the time and get help from web guys or forums. Have blog schedule if you can. Some blogger post everyday, some every Monday, Wednesday or Friday, and some do not have schedule. We fall under later category, as we do not want to be bound by deadline to have our creative juice flowing. But we agree, having regular schedule even when no one seems to be reading you blog, will make you more credible in reader’s eye.

Blogging Tip 6

Most important thing about being successful is to provide valuable information to your readers! Pat at Smart Passive Income provides great value to many, which is not found anywhere else on blogsphere. Therefore, he gets big following from readers everywhere. Pat’s posts are well thought out, helpful and honest. What I also like about Pat is that he is family man, when he went to Blogworld, he came back early as he has young infant son. I like that that family is his first priority over fame or money.

Other value providing bloggers are Devesh from Technshare and Ishan from Blogging with success provide. They both are young teens who write with other authors and who all are amazingly talented. I love their blogs from short time I have been reading their blog. Although I am older than them, I still have lot to learn from these teen bloggers.

Yaro, Daniel from dailyblogtips, Darren from Problogger are few of the experts who provide value to bloggers and readers everywhere. If you want readers to stick around and keep coming back provide the best valuable information to them.

Blogging Tip 7

Content is king or queen (if you are girl blogger), so write great and unique content that is helpful to people. You do not need to be copy editor but make sure your spelling and grammar is correct before you hit publish on your post. We know we have made in past and it is only human thing to do. The best way we found to correct this is to read your post aloud and you will see if there is something not working right away. If you realize later after publishing a post, don’t fear. Just change to mistakes as soon as you find them. If reader or blogger tells you about it, thank them without feeling that you are being criticized. They are just trying to help you.

Final & Extra Blogging Tips

Treat other bloggers the way you want to be treated!

Write from your heart!

Rome was not built in a day and same goes for your blog success. Don’t hurry success!

Happy Blogging!