I have been working online for some time and learned a few ways to make to make money online and working from home. One way to is create ebooks and sell it to make profit. I have written previously about making money through ebooks and how to find content. One of the question is once you created the ebook and perfected it, where to sell it. While seasoned web masters may know but many newbies like I was once would not know this.

Therefore I decided to find all places one can sell his or her ebook or ebook empire. Some charge money and some do not. List is no means complete as new tools and services keep popping. Here are the tried reputable services for selling ebook that would work for you as well. I have not tried them all myself but I have done plenty of research and talked to people who have used this services to know its works.

Where To Sell Ebooks?

  1. Amazon Kindle
  2. Barnes & Noble
  3. eJunkie
  4. Clickbank
  5. PayDotCom
  6. Ebay (Note: you can sell ebook via burned CD or DVD only as per new rule)
  7. Appropirate Forum (for your Niche)
  8. Craigslist
  9. Lulu
  10. On your Blog
  11. Tradebit
  12. Smashwords
  13. Payloadz
  14. Kobo
  15. Mobipocket
  16. Your email list
  17. Google Books
  18. iTunes
  19. Digiresults.com
  20. Digibilly.com
  21. JVzoo.com
  22. Createspace
  23. Fiverr.com (Note: yes, you can sell for $5 but it is a choice for small reports type of ebooks)
  24. eZine (Online Magazine for your Niche)
  25. Newspaper (old fashioned but works)

Some one told me you can sell ebooks on etsy.com, but I was not able to confirm it for sure currently.

Do you know any place else to sell ebooks? I will update this list as needed in future so lists stays current.