One of the easiest way for to make money online is via make money with an affiliate programs. What is an affiliate program? An affiliate program is for example you recommend someone a product you really like and share it with your friends, if person buy it from your affiliate links, then you will make some percentage of sale. You will not have to create a product, ship it, or take customer calls for questions and return issues. It is simple enough once you understand the concept. You know what is best thing about promoting an affiliate, most of the affiliate programs are free to join, costing you nothing when you are starting out and short on cash.

All you have to get started is to sign up for these 100% free affiliates and you will receive a special affiliate id that is unique to you or your business. Most affiliates will also show you how to attach a special ID to a product and place it on your site or facebook page. So, if anyone will click on that link and buys something you will get commission.

Another thing I like about an affiliate program is that most affiliate program will pay you for other stuff people may buy through your affiliate link. For example, let’s say you have special product link about cannon g12 camera, someone clicked on the link and did not purchase the camera but purchased books, or kids toys, you will still get commission for the things bought. Isn’t that cool? I think so too.

One of the popular affiliates are,,, and so on. Some people make money via facebook or free blogger websites, and that is good for starting out. But if you want to make serious money and make sure your links and writings does not get deleted by facebook or blogger host, you should buy and host your own domain and hosting.  You can see how to start a website for step by step guide for details.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email, I am in process of creating a free eBook which you can download, so if you get a chance subscribe to website via email, so you will get news about it.

I also want to share all affiliate programs, I personally use in my online business and share with you one that are successful for me. All of these affiliate programs are 100% free to join. Many of these programs are internationally available, that means you can be China, Africa, Australia, Canada, US or Mexico and you will be able to join and make money with it.